CenterPoint Energy (Gas) - Residential Heating and Hot Water Rebates in Arkansas - EnergyBot

CenterPoint Energy (Gas) - Residential Heating and Hot Water Rebates

May 08, 2019


CenterPoint Energy offers gas heating and water heating equipment rebates to its residential customers. Eligible equipment includes furnaces, back-up furnace systems, hydronic heaters, storage water heaters and tankless water heaters. Rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are depleted. Rebate program funds are budgeted on an annual basis and is subject to approval by the Arkansas Public Service Commission. 

 All equipment must meet program requirements for efficiency and installation in order to receive a rebate. Customers can work heating equipment dealers to determine the best system. Application forms for the heating system must be completed and signed by the dealer. Equipment must be purchased and installed before December 31, 2015. Completed application can be mailed to the Rebate Program, after which rebate amount will be mailed to home address within eight weeks. 

Interested customers should view the details on the program web site.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Arkansas
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Water Heaters
  • Furnaces
  • Other EE
  • Tankless Water Heater
Incentive Amount: Primary Natural Gas Heating Sytems
Forced-Air Furnace: $400 (90%-94.9% AFUE)
Forced-Air Furnace: $600 (95% or higher AFUE)
Hydronic Heating System: $400 (82% or higher AFUE )

Back-up Heating Natural Gas Systems
Forced-Air Furnace: $125 (80%-89.9% AFUE)
Forced-Air Furnace: $175 (90% or higher AFUE)

Water Heater Rebates
NG Tank Water Heater: $75 (.62 or greater EF)
NG Tankless Water Heater: $500 (.80 or greater EF)

Low Flow Showerheads and Aerators : No cost (each limited to 3 per customer )
Installation Requirements: Dealer must sign the rebate application
Ownership of Renewable Energy Credits: Not Specified


This program has 3 incentives
Technologies: Water Heaters
Sectors: Residential, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 75.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Tankless Water Heater
Sectors: Residential, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 500.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Furnaces
Sectors: Residential, Multifamily Residential, Low Income Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 600.00 $/Unit


Name: Sarah Amspacher
Address: 1 Allied Dr. Ste. 1600
Little Rock AR 72202
Phone: (501) 221-4038

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.