Riverside Public Utilities - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program in California - EnergyBot

Riverside Public Utilities - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

August 11, 2023


Riverside Public Utilities offers incentives for residential customers to upgrade the efficiency of a variety of equipment within eligible homes. In order to receive rebates, all equipment efficiency standards must be met. Visit the program website for more information on the program incentives currently offered.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: California
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: http://www.riversidepublicutilities.com/residents/rebates.asp
Administrator: Riverside Public Utilities
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Clothes Washers
  • Dishwasher
  • Refrigerators/Freezers
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Water Heaters
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Programmable Thermostats
  • Duct/Air sealing
  • Building Insulation
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Roofs
  • Motor VFDs
  • Other EE
  • Reflective Roofs
  • Pool Pumps
  • LED Lighting
  • HVAC
Incentive Amount: AIR CONDITIONING
Central Air Conditioning Units & Heat Pumps: $150 - $250 per ton
HVAC Tune-Up: $25
Whole House Evaporative Cooler: $150 per unit
Wall/window Room Evaporative Cooler: $50 per unit
Programmable Thermostat: $50 per unit

ENERGY STAR PRODUCTS Refrigerators: $50 - $200 per unit (Qualifications Apply) Room Air Conditioner: $50 per unit
Dishwasher: $50 per unit
High-Efficiency Clothes Washer: $75 per unit
Ceiling Fan: $25 per unit (Maximum of 4)
Electric Water Heater: $50
TVs: $150 per TV
Energy Star® Heat Pump Water Heater: $200
Energy Star® Heat Pump Dryer: $200

Attic Insulation: $0.10 - $0.20 per square foot
Exterior Wall Insulation: $0.15 per square foot
Whole House Fan: $100 per unit (Limit 1)
Solar Attic Fan: $100 per unit (Limit 2)
Electric Attic Vent Fan: $50 per unit (Limit 2)
Duct Replacement: $150 maximum
Cool Roof (coatings or products): $0.10 per square foot
Windows/Glass Doors: $1.00 per square foot
Window Film: $1.00 per square foot
Solar window screen: $1.00 per square foot

Energy Efficient Pool Pumps: $200 per pump (Max 2)
Refrigerator/Freezer Recycling Program: $50
Tree Power: $40 per shade tree (5 per calendar year)

High-Efficiency Clothes Washers: $85
Premium High-Efficiency Toilets: $40 per unit
Turf Replacement: $5.00 per square foot up to 1,000 square feet, $2.00 per square foot up to 5,000 square feet
Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers: $200 per controller ( <1 acre) $35 per station ( >1 acre)
Rotating Sprinkler Nozzles: $5.00 per nozzle (minimum of 30)
Rain Barrels: $35 per barrel (maximum 2)
Cisterns: $250 - $350
Soil Moisture Sensor System: $80 per controller ( <1 acre) $35 per station ( >1 acre)
Water Flow Monitoring Device: $175 per unit


This program has 6 incentives
Technologies: Motor VFDs, Pool Pumps
Sectors: Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 200.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Windows, Doors
Sectors: Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 1.00 $/square foot
Technologies: Dishwasher, Air conditioners
Sectors: Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 50.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Ceiling Fan
Sectors: Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 25.00 $/Unit, The incentive has a minimum of 4.00 null
Technologies: Water Heaters
Sectors: Residential
Parameters: The incentive has a maximum of 50.00 $/Unit, The incentive has a minimum of $200.00
Technologies: Programmable Thermostats
Sectors: Residential
Parameters: The incentive is 50.00 $


Name: Customer Service
Organization: Riverside Public Utilities
Address: 3901 Orange Street
Riverside CA 92501
Phone: (951) 826-5485
Email: callcenter@riversideca.gov

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.