Silicon Valley Power - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program in California - EnergyBot

Silicon Valley Power - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

August 04, 2023


Silicon Valley Power (SVP) offers a variety rebates to its business customers, capped at a maximum total incentive of $500,000 per customer per year. In addition, Customer Directed Rebates are available for energy efficiency related projects that decrease electrical usage and may not otherwise fit into the other rebate offers. Rebate application forms, program guidelines, and equipment specifications may be found on the web site listed above. Contact SVP for any other information on this program.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: California
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator: Silicon Valley Power
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Lighting
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Compressed air
  • Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
  • Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building
  • Custom/Others pending approval
  • Other EE
  • Food Service Equipment
  • Data Center Equipment
  • LED Lighting
  • Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
  • Level-2 Electric Vehicle Service Equipment
  • Direct Current Fast Charging Equipment
Incentive Amount: HVAC
Unitary Air Conditioners: Up to $160 per ton (Varies by tonnage)
Packaged Terminal AC: $100 per ton
Advanced Rooftop Controls: Up to $3,500 per unit
Unitary Heat Pumps: $300 per ton

Building Optimization Program: $0.03 per kWh annual savings (2 years)

Controls Program: $0.02 per kWh annual savings (5 years)

Customer Directed Project: $0.15 per kWh for all measure types.

Data Center Program: $0.03 per kWh annual savings (4 years)
Emerging Technologies Program: $0.35 per kWh annual savings (5 years)

Electric Vehicle Chargers DCFC rebates: $50,000 to $80,000 per charger or 75% of eligible project costs, whichever is less
L2 rebates: $4,500/connector, additional $1,000/connector for multi-residential sites, additional $500/connector for DAC or LIC sites.

Food Service Equipment: Varies by equipment (see application for details)

Heat Pump Water Heater: $1,000 per unit, $1,000 extra if converting from natural gas to electric.

LED Troffer Fixture: $40/fixture
LED Low-Bay Fixture: $70/fixture
LED High-Bay Fixture < 150 watts: $100/fixture
LED High-Bay Fixture > 150 watts: $150/fixture

New Construction: Varies see application

VFD Air Compressor: $75 per horsepower
Maximum Incentive: Custom Measures: Incentives are limited to 65 percent of the project's cost. Maximum customer incentive per year is $1,000,000. Maximum incentive per project is $750,000.

Building Optimization: Maximum Total Incentive Payment is equal to the lesser of 120% of the Potential Incentive Payment amount or 100% of the Total Measure(s) cost.


This program has 3 incentives
Technologies: Data Center Equipment
Sectors: Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive is 0.03 $/first year kWh savings
Technologies: Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
Sectors: Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive is 0.02 $/first year kWh savings
Technologies: Compressed air
Sectors: Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, State Government, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive has a minimum of 65.00 % of cost


Name: Business Rebates
Organization: Silicon Valley Power
Address: 1601 Civic Center Drive
Santa Clara CA 95050
Phone: (408) 615-6650

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.