The City of Aspen/Pitkin County has initiated the City of Aspen/Pitkin County Efficient Building Program (APEB). As of February 2003, all building permit applications must include a completed APEB Checklist documenting that the project has the minimum number of points for using efficient, recycled and renewable technologies and materials as well as resource efficient practices. If the project includes a remodel and/or demolition/deconstruction, then the Deconstruction Plan form must be filled out in addition to the Checklist. The APEB Program is designed to educate the public and the building trades about utilizing resources more efficiently. Flexibility is built into the program to accommodate a wide range of alternatives to create better buildings. The program addresses the reduction of construction waste, promoting recycled and renewable resources, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, renewable energy, water conservation, as well as efficient building techniques. The program is point-based. The number of points required is based on the size and type of the project. For example, one point is available for every five percentage over the energy code that one builds. Points for solar design and technologies are available, also, such as passive solar space heating, solar water heating, active solar space heating, and photovoltaics. The APEB Guidelines can be used when completing the Checklist, which is required upon submittal of any residential building permit application, and a Resource Guide has also been developed in conjunction with this program to assist in finding suppliers and other information.
Implementing Sector: | Local |
Category: | Regulatory Policy |
State: | Colorado |
Incentive Type: | Building Energy Code |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | |
Start Date: | |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Residential Code: | Eligible property is assessed at no more than the value of a conventional system |
Name: | City of Aspen and Pitkin County Efficient Building Ordinance |
Effective Date: | 6/19/02 |
Name: | Md Code: Property Tax § 8-240 |
Effective Date: | 07/01/2008 (as amended) |
Name: | Denis Murray |
Organization: | City of Aspen Community Development |
Address: |
130 S. Galena Street, 3rd Floor Aspen CO 81611 |
Phone: | (970) 920-5090 |
Email: | |
Organization: | Department of Assessments and Taxation |
Address: |
300 W. Preston Street Baltimore MD 21201-2395 |
Phone: | (410) 767-1199 |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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