Black Hills Energy (BHE) offers rebates for residential Colorado customers who purchase energy-efficient residential equipment. This program offers rebates for customers who purchase and install energy efficient HVAC equipment, appliances, insulation measures, and water heating equipment. Individual pieces of equipment have specific efficiency requirements which can be seen on the program application form at the web site listed above. Customers should contact BHE or visit the program website for more information on these rebates. Program may not be available in all Colorado service areas.
Implementing Sector: | Utility |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Colorado |
Incentive Type: | Rebate Program |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | |
Start Date: | |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Incentive Amount: |
Air-Source Heat Pump: $450-$1,450 Heat Pump Ductless Mini Split: $500 Central A/C: $250-$1,050 Room A/C: $20 Ground Source Heat Pumps: $1,700 Smart Thermostat: $65 Furnace Blower Motor: $50 Evaporative Cooler: $100 - $800 Heat Pump Water Heater: $500 Attic Insulation: $0.50/sq. ft. Wall Insulation: $1.00/sq. ft. Air Sealing/Duct Sealing: 50% of cost Smart Power Strip: $10 Air Purifier: $10 Dehumidifier: $5 Ceiling Fan: $20 Clothes Washer: $25 Connected Home Energy Management System: 50% of cost |
Maximum Incentive: |
Attic Insulation: $500 Wall Insulation: $750 Air Sealing/Duct Sealing: $500 Connected Home Energy Management System: Up to $750 |
Equipment Requirements: | See program website. |
Technologies: | Heat pumps |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of $450.00, The incentive has a minimum of $1450.00 |
Technologies: | Air conditioners |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of $20.00, The incentive has a minimum of $1050.00 |
Technologies: | Geothermal Heat Pumps |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive is 1700.00 $ |
Technologies: | Programmable Thermostats |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive is 65.00 $ |
Technologies: | Water Heaters |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive is 500.00 $ |
Technologies: | Building Insulation |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of 50.00 % of cost, The incentive is 0.50 $/square foot, The incentive is 1.00 $/square foot |
Technologies: | Dehumidifiers |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive is 5.00 $ |
Technologies: | Clothes Washers |
Sectors: | Residential |
Parameters: | The incentive is 25.00 $ |
Name: | Energy Efficiency Programs |
Address: |
Phone: | (888) 567-0799 |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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