Local Insulation Rebate Programs in Colorado - EnergyBot

Local Insulation Rebate Programs

May 26, 2010


The Colorado Governor's Energy Office (GEO) has provided matching grants to establish local insulation rebate programs throughout the state. The residential rebate program, called Insulate Colorado, provides rebates of 20% of the cost, up to $300, to homeowners who increase the insulation and/or air sealing of their homes. This is not a statewide program. To participate, the home must be located within a participating jurisdiction and the homeowner must use a program-approved contractor. The rebate is for attic or exterior wall insulation and air sealing upgrades only, and the insulation must be upgraded to the recommended R-Values presented in the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (2006 IECC) for the specific climate zone. After the work is complete, the homeowner can receive their rebate check by submitting the rebate form for their particular jurisdiction as well as copies of the installation invoice and the official "insulation card" as proof of the work being completed. Rebates are available through the local jurisdictions on a first-come, first-served basis until program funding is exhausted. Interested homeowners should contact their jurisdiction to ensure that funding is still available.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Local
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Colorado
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: http://www.colorado.gov/energy/residential/existing-insulate-co.asp
Administrator: Governor's Energy Office
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Building Insulation
Incentive Amount: 20% of project cost
Maximum Incentive: $300


Name: Bob Mailander
Organization: Governor's Energy Office
Address: 1580 Logan Street
Denver CO 80203
Phone: (970) 371-3939
Email: robert.mailander@state.co.us
Name: Mona Newton
Organization: Governor's Energy Office
Address: 1580 Logan Street
Denver CO 80203
Phone: (303) 809-0379
Email: mona.newton@state.co.us
Name: Joani Matranga
Organization: Governor's Energy Office
Address: 1580 Logan Street
Denver CO 80203
Phone: (970) 366-6036
Email: joani.matranga@state.co.us

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.