Xcel Energy offers rebate programs for Colorado commercial and industrial customers for a wide range of energy efficiency technologies including but not limited to heating and cooling, motors, lighting, and refrigeration. In many cases, Xcel energy will cover at least part of the cost of the assessment, in addition to the equipment and installation rebates. Xcel Energy can also connect business customers who are interested in financing to several third-party lending institutions.
Information on incentive amounts and efficiency specifications can be found at the program website; for more information on the rebate programs, customers should contact their account manager.
Implementing Sector: | Utility |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Colorado |
Incentive Type: | Rebate Program |
Web Site: | https://co.my.xcelenergy.com/s/business/lighting-equipment-rebates |
Administrator: | Xcel Energy |
Start Date: | |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Incentive Amount: |
Business Lighting Rebates Link to main webpage is here 2023/2024 Bonus Rebates on LED Upgrades Linear LED: $2.25 - $18 Incentive details can be found here Upgrades or installations for Construction Projects LED and LEC exit signs: $25/fixture LED Fixture: $37.50 - $250/unit LED Retrofit Kit: $22.50 - $105/unit Commercial downlight luminaire fixture: $18.55 - $50/unit LED refrigerated case lighting: $33.75 - $45/unit LED linear ambient fixture and retrofit kit: $11.25 - $25/unit LED troffer fixture: $22.50 - $30/unt LED stairwell fixture: $30 - $40/unit Standalone and networked lighting controls: $0.05 - $0.40/watt LED parking garage fixtures: $86.25 - $125/unit LED parking garage wall pack fixtures: $22.50 - $75/unit LED outdoor area lighting fixtures: $26.25 - $90/unit LED canopy fixtures: $15 - $25/unit LED street lighting fixture: $18.75 - $50/unit LED wall pack fixtures: $11.25 - $50/unit LED grow lights: $0.19 - $0.25/watt Incentive details can be found here Business LED Instant Rebates on Lamps PL LED: $5.25 - $7 Interior HID Replacement: $22.50 - $85 A-Lamps: $0.75 - $6.00 Reflectors: $2.25 - $10 Decorative: $3 - $4 Downlight Solid State Retrofit Kit: $6.75 - $9 Incentive details can be found here Lighting Controls Rebates Details can be found on this application LED Grow Lighting Rebates LED indoor horticulture lighting: $0.53 - $0.70/watt Incentive details can be found here HVAC-R Rebates HVAC-R Program Rebate Listing Form Foodservice Rebates Foodservice Appliance: $200 - $1,000 Steam Cooker: $$350 - $500 Foodservice Rebate Form Clean Water Pumps Rebates range from $100 to $11,140 Incentive details can be found here Commercial Refrigeration Rebates Anti-Sweat Heater: $60/unit Demand Controls Ventilation: $500 Dishwasher: $125 - $250 Floating Head Pressure Controls: $25 - $50/ton Medium-temp Enclosed Reach-In Case: $70/ft No Heat Case Doors: $100 - $150 Refrigeration Fans: $40 - $150 Cooler case with glass doors: $100 - $150/ft Walk-in Freezer Defrost Controls: $120 per 1,000 watts Details can be found here Compressed Air Rebates range from $200 to $6,000 By implementing pre-approved custom Compressed Air Efficiency projects you can earn rebates of up to $600/kW saved for system peak demand, plus $100/kW saved for non-peak demand savings that exceed peak kWs saved Projects implemented without a study earn up to $400/kW saved for system peak demand, plus $100/kW saved for non-peak demand savings that exceed system peak kWs saved Additional details can be found here Computer Rebates Power Supply Equipment 400 - 600W: $5 600 - 1,000W: $10 >1,000W: $20 Virtual Desktop Infrastructures (VDIs) Up to 17W: $10/unit Additional details are found here Cooling Rebates Chillers $15 - $100/ton Additional details found on this form Air Source Heat Pump: $1,700 Cold Climate Air Source Heat Pump: $2,200 Ground Source Heat Pump: $600/ton Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump: $1,700 Dual Fuel RTUs: $1,150 - $16,760 Heat Pump Water Heaters: $200 - $2,000 Additional details found on this form Fan Energy Index Rebates Fans: $100 - $1,000 Fans with Integrated VFD: $520 - $11,600 Additional details found on this form Heating Rebates High-volume low speed fans: $2,000/unit Condensing Commercial Boiler: $7,000/million BTUH Water Heater: $400 per 100,000 BTUH Pipe Insulation: $6 - $9/ft Unit Heaters: $500 per 100,000 BTUH Modular Burners: $750 per million BTUH Outdoor air reset controls: $250 per million BTUH Stack dampers: $250 per million BTUH Steam trap replacement parts: 25% up to $250/trap Linkageless controls: $300/million BTUH O2 trim control: 25% of total cost Turbulator: 25% of total cost Boiler tune-up: 25% of cost up to $250 per boiler, every other year Additional details found on this form Motor Rebates Motor HP: $10 - $900 VFDs: $400 - $2,337 Clean Water Pumps: $100 - $11,140 Fractional HP ECM Pumps and Fans: $50 - $100 Motors with Integrated Drives: $410 - $2,440 Additional details and application forms can be found here |
Eligible System Size: | See program website. |
Technologies: | LED Lighting |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of 0.75 $/Unit, The incentive has a minimum of 105.00 $/Unit, The incentive has a maximum of 0.19 $/W, The incentive has a minimum of 0.25 $/W |
Technologies: | Lighting Controls/Sensors |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of $0.05, The incentive has a minimum of $0.40 |
Technologies: | Commercial Cooking Equipment |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of $200.00, The incentive has a minimum of $1000.00 |
Technologies: | Commercial Refrigeration Equipment |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive is 40.00 $/Unit, The incentive is 500.00 $/Unit |
Technologies: | Compressed air |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of $200.00, The incentive has a minimum of $6000.00 |
Technologies: | Chillers |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of 15.00 $/ton, The incentive is 100.00 $/ton |
Technologies: | Heat pumps |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive is 1700.00 $, The incentive is 2200.00 $ |
Technologies: | Water Heaters |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of $200.00, The incentive has a minimum of $2000.00 |
Technologies: | Ceiling Fan |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive has a maximum of $100.00, The incentive has a minimum of $11600.00 |
Technologies: | Boilers |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive is 7000.00 $/MBTUh, The incentive is 250.00 $ |
Technologies: | Equipment Insulation |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive is 6.00 $/linear foot, The incentive is 9.00 $/linear foot |
Technologies: | Motors |
Sectors: | Commercial, Industrial |
Parameters: | The incentive is 10.00 $, The incentive is 2440.00 $ |
Name: | Business Solutions Center |
Organization: | Xcel Energy |
Address: |
Phone: | (800) 481-4700 |
Email: | Inquire@xcelenergy.com |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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