Program Update: This program is fully subscribed as of May 2011. The information provided below is for reference only, no additional funding is available.
The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund launched the Commercial Solar Photovoltaic (PV) program in October 2010 using funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).* This program is available to commercial, industrial, non-profit organizations, municipal, state, local, and federal entities for PV installations. There is no set amount for the grant, rather the amount is intended to help projects "break even" and "make a reasonable return" when compared to what the customer would have paid their utility for power.
Solar PV projects must be at least 50 kilowatts (kW) in size but no more than 200 kW and must be designed for on-site use. Projects must use commercially available PV technology, be relatively far along in the permitting process, have (or be close to having) site control, be ready for installation. Projects requiring minimal investment from CCEF will be selected over those that require more significant investments. In addition, an energy audit is required for the site of the proposed PV project (or evidence that an energy audit was completed on the site at least within 3 years prior to submitting the application) and all recommendations made within the audit that have payback periods of five years or less must have been implemented. As an alternative to the energy audit, sites that have previously participated in CEEF funded, utility-run energy efficiency programs may be eligible. Projects with third-party power purchase agreements are eligible. There are additional ARRA-related requirements (i.e. historical preservation review, requirements that prevailing wages be paid, as well as certain "buy American" provisions if the site is a public building).
*In the past, commercial PV was incentivized through the On-site Distributed Generation Program. However, funding for PV for that program had been exhausted between June 2010 and November 2010, the program was not accepting applications from commercial entities. In November that program issued a Request for Proposals and commercial was again included.
Implementing Sector: | State |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Connecticut |
Incentive Type: | Grant Program |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | CCEF |
Start Date: | 10/21/2010 |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Incentive Amount: | Not specified; funding is designed so that the project owners will "break even" and make a "fair and reasonable return" on their investment. |
Maximum Incentive: | $1,000,000 |
Equipment Requirements: | Must be listed on the California Energy Commission Web site. Minimum project size is 50 kW (AC) and maximum size is up to and including 200 kW (AC). |
Name: | Connecticut Green Bank |
Address: |
865 Brook Street Rocky Hill CT 06067 |
Phone: | (860) 563-0015 |
Email: | |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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