The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF), the state's public benefits fund, initiated a grant program for photovoltaics (5 kW and larger) on commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings in December 2003 with a total of $3 million over three years. After a highly successful first year, the CCEF boosted total program funding by an additional $9 million. Nearly $2.5 million was committed in 2004 to install over 500 kW of PV capacity. This is the second photovoltaic funding program offered by the CCEF. The first program, announced in October 2002, consisted of a single solicitation for proposals. Seven projects were selected for funding in March 2003. Eligible buildings may include hospitals, municipal and government buildings, universities, libraries, museums, and certain special purpose educational facilities or centers. Projects will be funded at a rate of up to $5 per watt (PTC nameplate capacity) of installed costs. An additional incentive of $0.75 per watt is provided for systems that come with electrical energy storage capacity (e.g., batteries). Disbursement CCEF funding will be disbursed to approved and contracted projects in two installments. The first payment, 90% of the amount, will be paid on the successful installation, commissioning and inspection of an approved project. The second payment, the remaining 10%, will be made promptly after the first sixth-month anniversary of the PV system commissioning, providing that the system has produced at least 70% of the projected AC energy production during the first 6 months of operation and as verified by CCEF’s independent consulting engineer. The system owner is entitled to retain all renewable energy (and all other green power) credits, market premiums and/or similar rights associated with the project. Applications may be submitted at any time, but submission of a letter of intent to apply 60 days prior to application is highly recommended. PV modules and inverters eligible for this programs are those that have been approved by the California Energy Commission for the California Emerging Renewable Buy-Down Program. Metering equipment must satisfy the applicable interconnection requirements and must have the capability to display the energy production by the system in kWh units. All PV systems must be covered by a 5-year full warranty to the purchaser of the PV system. PV panels must have a 20-year warranty. Note that the RFP provided above contains revisions made in September 2004. The original RFP was released in December 2003.
Implementing Sector: | State |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Connecticut |
Incentive Type: | Grant Program |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | |
Start Date: | 12/29/03; revised 9/15/04 |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Incentive Amount: | $5 Watt; $5.75/watt with storage |
Maximum Incentive: | $5.75/watt |
Equipment Requirements: | Systems size 5 kW and larger |
Name: | CII PV RFP 9 15 04 V21 |
Effective Date: | 12/29/03; revised 9/15/04 |
Expiration Date: | 12/29/2006 |
Name: | Emily Smith |
Organization: | Connecticut Clean Energy Fund |
Address: |
200 Corporate Place, 3rd Floor Rocky Hill CT 06067 |
Phone: | (860) 563-0015 |
Email: | |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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