Fuel Mix Disclosure in Delaware - EnergyBot

Fuel Mix Disclosure

August 09, 2023


Delaware's 1999 restructuring law (HB 10) authorized the state Public Service Commission (PSC) to develop environmental disclosure requirements and consumer protection standards for green power marketing. The PSC’s rules require all electric suppliers to disclose to the commission aggregate proportions of fuel resource mix for the electricity supplied to customers in Delaware for each quarter. In addition, electric suppliers must disclose their fuel resource mix to retail electric customers annually via bill inserts on the supplier's web site or by customer request. A standard label is not required; however, the reports must include:

  • The total number of Retail Electric Customers in each customer class that were served during the previous quarter
  • The total amount of electricity in kWh or MWh supplied to each customer class
  • The fuel resource mix by percentage of each resource

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Regulatory Policy
State: Delaware
Incentive Type: Generation Disclosure
Web Site: https://depsc.delaware.gov/customer-electric-choice/
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
Fuel Mix: Must be disclosed
Emissions: Not addressed
Distribution and Frequency: Distributed to customers quarterly and by request
Must be available online and updated quarterly
Standard Format Required: No


Name: 26 Del. C. §1012
Date Enacted: 03/31/1999
Effective Date: 08/1999
Name: CDR 26-3000-3001
Effective Date: 8/31/1999


Organization: Delaware Public Service Commission
Address: 861 Silver Lake Blvd.
Dover DE 19904
Phone: (302) 736-7500

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.