Ameren Illinois Utilities - Small Business Energy Efficiency Incentive Program in Illinois - EnergyBot

Ameren Illinois Utilities - Small Business Energy Efficiency Incentive Program

December 09, 2009


Ameren Illinois Utilities offers a number of incentives to smaller business customers. The programs are meant to enhance performance and save money in the facilities of Ameren customers. The Small Business Online Store is open to AmerenCILCO, AmerenCIPS or AmerenIP non-residential electric customers on Small General Delivery Service Rate DS-2. The program provides CFL's, motion sensors and exit signs at a discounted price. Purchases maybe may via internet or telephone at 1-866-845-7085. See program web site for important program information and forms. The Small Business HVAC Program offers an HVAC Tune-Up and rebates on new HVAC equipment. Customers eligible for the Tune-Up are Ameren Illinois Utilities electric customers on Rates DS-2, DS-3, or DS-4. In order to be eligible for new gas heating equipment, a customer must be on Rate GDS-2. To receive incentives on new electric heating equipment, the customer must be on Rates DS-2, DS-3, or DS-4. Pre-approval is required before starting any project. Custom incentives are offered to customers on rate DS-2. Payments are made based upon yearly kWh savings from implemented energy efficiency measures. Incentives for lighting measures are $0.05/kWh saved per year. All other measures receive a $0.07/kWh saved per year incentive. Payback periods for all measures must be between one and seven years. Wait for pre-approval from Ameren before starting project. See program web site for other important information. The programmable thermostat incentive is also available to Ameren customers on rate DS-2. Participating businesses must have central air conditioning. This program offers a free internet-enabled thermostat with free installation so that customers may have more control over energy usage in their facilities. Businesses with less than 400 kW demand are eligible for this incentive. Please see program web site for instructions and contact information.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Illinois
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Furnaces
  • Boilers
  • Air conditioners
  • Programmable Thermostats
  • Custom/Others pending approval
  • Other EE
Incentive Amount: Small Business Online Store (Lighting): varies
Air Conditioner Tune-up: $25/ton cooling
Gas Boiler/Furnace Tune-up: $0.50/kBtuh input
Gas Boiler Replacement: $1 - $2/kBtuh input
Gas Furnace Replacement: $2 - $3/kBtuh input
Custom: $0.05 - $0.07 per kWh saved/year
Programmable Thermostat: Free
Maximum Incentive: $200,000 of Small Business incentive money ($100,000 per project) per program year, per facility
Tune-Ups: 50% of costs
Custom: 50% of costs
Equipment Requirements: Gas Boiler Replacement: AFUE 85% minimum
Gas Furnace Replacement: 90% AFUE minimum
Installation Requirements: Programmable Thermostat: Facility must have less than 400 kW demand


Name: Act On Energy - Business Program
Phone: (866) 800-0747

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.