Louisville Gas & Electric - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program in Kentucky - EnergyBot

Louisville Gas & Electric - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

November 12, 2015


Louisville Gas and Electric (LGE) offers rebates to all commercial customers who pay a DSM charge on monthly bills. Rebates are available on lighting measures, sensors, air conditioners, heat pumps, motors, pumps, variable frequency drives, chillers, chilled water resets, thermal storage systems, and an optional and free energy audit. Customers must complete and sign an application form prior to project completion. Measure type, quantity and estimated completion date must be included. Eligible customers will receive an Installation Confirmation Form, which is to be completed and returned to LGE within 90 days after project completion. Proof of purchase, installation details, model number, operable date and manufacturers information must be included with form. Annual maximum rebate amount per calendar year, per facility is $50,000. Rebates will be received in check form within 45 days of receiving Installation Confirmation Form. New facilities are not eligible for this program. Please contact utility or visit web site provided above.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Kentucky
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: http://www.lge-ku.com/rebate/default.asp
Administrator: Louisville Gas & Electric
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Chillers
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Motors
  • Motor VFDs
  • Other EE
  • LED Lighting
Incentive Amount: T5 Fixtures (T12 Replacement): $3 - $12
T5 HO High-Bay Fixtures: $15 - $74
T8 Fixtures: $1 - $16
T8 High-Bay Fixtures: $21 - $34
CFL Hardwired Fixture/Bulb: $4
CFL/LED Bulbs: $2
CFL Highbay Fixture: $35
LED Refrigerated Display Light: $6
LED Interior Lights: $5 - $10
LED Exterior Lights: $10 - $30
LED Pole Light Replacement: $30 - $88
Pulse Start Metal Halide: $12 - $24
Tubular Skylight: $121
Occupancy Sensor: $0.04/controlled watt
LED Exit Sign: $7
Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning: $10/ton
Unitary Air Conditioning/Heat Pump: $25 - $30/ton
Rooftop Air Conditioning/Heat Pump: $25 - $30/ton
Ground Source Heat Pump: $20/ton
Motors: $6/HP
Pumps: $120 - $750
VFD's: $24/HP
Air/Water Cooled Chillers: $26/Ton
Chilled Water Reset: $250 - $550
Thermal Storage: $100/kW offset
Energy Audit: Free
Maximum Incentive: $50,000 per facility per calendar year
Equipment Requirements: See application form
Installation Requirements: See application form


Address: 220 West Main Street
Louisville KY 40202
Phone: (502) 589-1444

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.