FirstEnergy (Potomac Edison) - Commercial and Industrial Efficiency Rebate Program

May 14, 2024


FirstEnergy company Potomac Edison offers rebates to eligible commercial, industrial, governmental, and institutional customers in Maryland service territory who are interested in upgrading to efficient equipment. 

Prescriptive Program: Rebates are available on lighting, controls, sensors, traffic signals, exit signs, heat pumps, air conditioners, chillers, variable frequency drives, food service equipment and custom measures. Contact Potomac Edison for information on maximum allowable incentive payments and other requirements. All appropriate forms, requirements and guidelines for equipment may be found on the program web site listed above. All application forms must be filled out completely along with all necessary purchase documentation. 

Custom Program: Custom Equipment Program targets retrofits and new construction energy efficiency projects which include technologies that are customer specific and do not qualify for the prescriptive program offerings. These projects may include building shell, electrical and mechanical improvement that reduces energy consumption and demand by improving building energy performance. Renewable energy, fuel switching, power factor correction devices do not qualify for this program. All custom equipment must be pre-approved before purchase and installation.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Maryland
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator: SAIC
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Clothes Washers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Water Heaters
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Chillers
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Combined Heat & Power
  • Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
  • Motor VFDs
  • Agricultural Equipment
  • Custom/Others pending approval
  • Other EE
  • Food Service Equipment
  • LED Lighting
  • Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
  • HVAC
Incentive Amount: Lighting
Incentives vary widely by equipment type. See Incentive Guide for more details.

Air Conditioners: $250/ton
Terminal Air Conditioners: $75 - $125/unit
Room A/C: $25/unit
Heat Pumps: $250 - $350/ton
Terminal Heat Pumps: $75-$125/unit
Variable Frequency Drive: $500 - $5,000/unit; $50/hp
Chillers: $30/ton; $10 per Ton for each 0.1 EER point above or for each 0.01 kW below minimum efficiency Full Load or Integrated Part Load Value
Variable Frequency Drive: $500 - $5,000/unit
Smart Thermostat: $100/unit

Food Service Equipment
Incentives vary widely by equipment type. See Incentive Guide for more details.

Consumer Electronics
Advanced Power Strips: $20/unit
Computers/Monitors: $5/unit
Imaging Equipment: $10/unit
Small Network Equipment: $15/PC
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): $40/kVA

Pre-Rinse Sprayers: $50/unit
Dehumidifiers: $25/unit
Water Coolers: $50/unit
Heat Pump Water Heaters: $1,000/unit
Clothes Washers: $100/unit
Refrigerators: $100/unit
Freezers: $50/unit

Incentives vary widely by equipment type. See Incentive Guide for more details.

Combined Heating and Power
50 kW or less: $2,000/kW
51 kW to 200 kW: $1,600/kW
201 kW to 1000 kW: $1,200/kW
Larger than 1000 kW: $800/kW

Custom Incentives
Custom: Up to 50% of project cost, capped at $1 million per project

Maximum Incentive: Contact Utility
Custom incentives are capped at 50% of the total project cost
Custom incentive capped at $1 million per project
Eligible System Size: See program website for full details.
Equipment Requirements: HVAC: See application form
VFD's: See application form
Lighting: See application form
Water Heaters: EF 0.95 or greater to qualify
Heat Pump Water Heaters: EF 2.0 or greater to qualify
Installation Requirements: Custom projects must have simple payback more than 1.5 years.
Ownership of Renewable Energy Credits: Not specified


Name: Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Program Rebate Programs
Organization: Potomac Edison
Phone: (855) 801-5803

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.