NOTE: Applications were due November 19, 2012. This incentive is no longer available.
Using funding received through the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Program of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the City of Cambridge is offering an additional grant* to residents and businesses that install a solar hot water system and receive funding via the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Commonwealth (MassCEC) Solar Hot Water Program.
The first step is to schedule and receive an energy audit (the City of Cambridge offers free energy audits). After the audit, which may identify additional opportunities for energy efficiency upgrades, homeowners and business owners must work with their selected solar hot water installer to plan the system and apply for funding via the MassCEC Solar Hot Water Program. Then, after they are accepted into the MassCEC program, apply for the City of Cambridge grant by submitting the application and agreement.
Grant recipients must provide utility billing information to support the City's performance monitoring efforts. In addition, grant recipients must allow on-site inspection of the installed system (if applicable).
*This grant is a first-come, first-served financial incentive, which we categorize as a "rebate" in DSIRE.
Implementing Sector: | Local |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Massachusetts |
Incentive Type: | Rebate Program |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | Cambridge Energy Alliance |
Start Date: | 02/2012 |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Incentive Amount: | 50% |
Maximum Incentive: | $2000 |
Equipment Requirements: | OG-100 Collectors or OG-300 Systems |
Installation Requirements: | Shading, tilt, and orientation requirements apply |
Ownership of Renewable Energy Credits: | Not addressed |
Name: | Meghan Shaw |
Organization: | City of Cambridge |
Address: |
344 Broadway Cambridge MA 02139 |
Phone: | (617) 349-5323 |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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