Leading By Example Solar Photovoltaic Canopy Grant Program in Massachusetts - EnergyBot

Leading By Example Solar Photovoltaic Canopy Grant Program

March 15, 2017


Massachusetts offers a state grant program for solar photovoltaic canopies installed at state facilities, including executive agencies, state institutions of higher education, and other quasi-public state entities. This grant is part of the state's Leading by Example Program, established in 2007 by Executive Order No. 484. This program is funded by renewable portfolio standard alternative compliance payments and is administered by the Department of Energy Resources. There is $1.5 million of funding available for 2015.

Proposals are currently being accepted for two types of installations: (1) solar PV canopies at least 200 kW in capacity that are located at parking lots, garage roofs, and pedestrian walkways, and (2) smaller scale solar PV canopies that are associated with innovative strategies or projects. Examples of innovative strategies and projects include projects associated with zero net energy buildings and projects that provide electricity to critical loads or backup power for these facilities during emergencies. All installations must include electric vehicle charging stations. Charging station requirements are as follows:

  • Stations for at least two vehicles for projects up to 399 kW
  • Stations for at least four vehicles for projects 400-699 kW
  • Stations for at least six vehicles for projects 700-999 kW
  • Stations for at least eight vehicles for projects 1MW and larger

Systems may be state-owned or owned by a third party. The incentive level for state-owned systems is $0.75/Watt, and the incentive level is $0.50/Watt for third party-owned systems. The maximum award is $600,000 for state-owned systems and $500,000 for third party-owned systems.

Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2016.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Massachusetts
Incentive Type: Grant Program
Web Site: http://www.mass.gov/eea/grants-and-tech-assistance/guidance-technical-assistance/agencies-and-divisions/doer/doer-procurements.html
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Solar Photovoltaics
Incentive Amount: State-owned systems: $0.75/Watt
Third party-owned systems: $0.50/Watt
Maximum Incentive: State-owned systems: $600,000
Third party-owned systems: $500,000
Equipment Requirements: Solar PV canopies must be at least 200 kW or a smaller scale solar PV canopy associated with an innovative strategy or project
Installation Requirements: Solar PV canopies not associated with an innovative strategy or project must be installed at a parking lot, garage roof, or pedestrian walkway. Installations must be located on property owned and operated by a state entity with at least some electricity use on-site. Installations must include electric vehicle charging stations with adequate signage.


Name: Program Opportunity Notice PON-ENE-2015-029


Name: Maria Andrea Hessenius
Organization: Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Address: 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1020
Boston MA 02114
Phone: (617) 626-7375
Email: MariaAndrea.Hessenius@state.ma.us

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.