Waseca Utilities - Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program in Minnesota - EnergyBot

Waseca Utilities - Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

April 12, 2023


Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) is a joint-action agency which generates and sells reliable electricity at wholesale to its eighteen non-profit, municipally-owned member utilities, and develops innovative products and services to help them deliver value to customers. With help from SMMPA, Waseca Utilities provides incentives for its commercial and industrial customers to improve the energy efficiency of facilities. Rebates are available for a variety of energy-efficient equipment including appliances, lighting, cooling, motors, variable speed drives, anti-sweat heater controls for cooler/freezer doors, food service equipment (including ENERGY STAR rated), and custom measures. Each type of equipment has minimum efficiency and performance ratings which must be met in order to qualify for the rebate. Rebates on ENERGY STAR appliances are also available under the Residential Rebate Program. Customers should review the program web site or contact Waseca Utilities for more information.




Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Minnesota
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: http://www.SaveEnergyInWaseca.com
Administrator: Waseca Utilities
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Chillers
  • Furnaces
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Compressed air
  • Programmable Thermostats
  • Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
  • Motors
  • Motor VFDs
  • Custom/Others pending approval
  • Other EE
  • Food Service Equipment
  • Vending Machine Controls
Incentive Amount: Lighting: Varies, see program website
Rooftop, Split Systems, and Packaged AC: $50/ton plus $5/ton efficiency bonus rebate
Packaged Terminal Heat Pump: $50/ton plus $5/ton efficiency bonus rebate
Central Chiller: up to 50% of cost
Air Conditioner/Air Source Heat Pump Tune-Up: $40-$60
Chiller Tune-Up: $3-$5/ton
Furnaces: $50/unit
Furnace Fan Motor Replacements: $50/unit
Variable Speed Drives: $200-$8,000
Air Source Heat Pumps: varies, see program website
Ground Source Heat Pumps: $200/ton plus $20/ton EER bonus rebate
Smart Thermostat: 50% of cost
Water Source Heat Pumps: $50/ton plus $4/ton efficiency bonus rebate
Motors: $15-$2,700
Compressed Air Equipment: varies, see program website
VendingMisers/SnackMisers: $50/unit
Guestroom Energy Management Systems: $25-$65/controlled guestroom
Food Service Equipment: varies, see program website
Anti-Sweat Heater Controls: $35-$45/door
Custom: $0.045/first year kWh savings
Equipment Requirements: See program website.


This program has 8 incentives
Technologies: Custom/Others pending approval
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive is 0.04 $/first year kWh savings
Technologies: Vending Machine Controls
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive is 50.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Motor VFDs
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive has a maximum of 200.00 $/Unit, The incentive has a minimum of 8000.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive has a maximum of 25.00 $/Unit, The incentive has a minimum of 65.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Motors
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive has a maximum of 15.00 $/motor, The incentive has a minimum of 2700.00 $/motor
Technologies: Geothermal Heat Pumps
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive is 200.00 $/ton
Technologies: Furnaces
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive is 50.00 $/Unit
Technologies: Programmable Thermostats
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government
Parameters: The incentive is 50.00 % of cost


Name: Carl C. Sonnenberg
Organization: Waseca Utilities
Address: 508 South State Street
Waseca MN 56093-3033
Phone: (507) 835-9713
Email: carls@ci.waseca.mn.us

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.