Wild Rice Electric Cooperative - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program in Minnesota - EnergyBot

Wild Rice Electric Cooperative - Commercial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

May 25, 2011


Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, in collaboration with Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc. and the Northern Municipal Power Agency, offers rebates for their non-residential customers to improve the energy efficiency of their facilities. Rebates are available for lighting measures, heating and cooling equipment, food service equipment and refrigeration equipment. All heating and cooling equipment must meet efficiency standards located on the program application form. Rebates are limited to $15,000 per customer per year, and forms must be received within 60 days of equipment installation. Contact Wild Rice Electric Cooperative for any other information on this program or visit the program web site.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Minnesota
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: http://www.wildriceelectric.com/msp-rebates.html
Administrator: Wild Rice Electric
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Chillers
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Programmable Thermostats
  • Motors
  • Motor VFDs
  • Custom/Others pending approval
  • Other EE
  • Food Service Equipment
  • Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Incentive Amount: Lighting: varies
Air Conditioners: $30 - $50/ton
Air-source Heat Pumps: $30 - $40/ton
Mini-Split Ductless Heat Pumps: $500/unit
Geothermal Heat Pumps: $200/ton (open loop); $400/ton (closed loop)
Furnace/Air Handler with ECM: $150/unit
Chillers: $30 - $40/ton depending on type and efficiency
Chilled Water Resets: $0.35 - $6/ton
Window/Wall A/C Units: $35 - $70 each
Anti-Sweat Heater Controls: $40 - $100/door
Night Covers: $8/ln. ft.
Programmable Thermostats: $50
Commercial Solid Door Refrigerators/Freezers: $60 - $250
Ice Machines: $200 - $600
Steam Cooker: $300 - $600
Energy Star Holding Cabinets: $200 - $400
Fryers: $500
Griddles/Ovens: $850 - $1,500
Motors: $4 - $15/HP
Variable Frequency Drives/ECM Motors: $40/HP
Custom: $0.10 / kWh reduced
Maximum Incentive: $15,000 per customer, per calendar year. Incentives over $10,000 need pre-approval from the utility
Total incentive not to exceed 75% of the project cost
Geothermal Heat Pumps: $7,500 (open loop); $15,000 (closed loop)
Chilled Water Resets: 50% of project cost
Programmable Thermostats: $2,500 per facility, up to 50% of the unit cost
Equipment Requirements: Equipment must reach certain efficiency standards listed in the program application


Name: Member Services
Address: 502 North Main
Mahnomen MN 56557
Phone: (218) 935-2517
Email: memberservices@wildriceelectric.com

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.