Ameren Missouri BizSavers Program in Missouri - EnergyBot

Ameren Missouri BizSavers Program

June 19, 2023


The Ameren Missouri BizSavers Program offers cash incentives for virtually any cost-effective energy efficiency project. Your company may qualify to get cash back for improvements to your facility to encourage the implementation of cost-effective energy efficiency projects. The Standard Incentives are a quick and easy way to receive cash for your energy efficiency upgrades. If your energy efficient equipment does not qualify under our Standard Program, the Custom Program offers incentives for energy efficient equipment that is not eligible for Standard Incentives. To find out more information regarding our program, please visit our website at To contact a BizSavers representative please call 866-941-7299 or email at  

To be eligible for the program, a customer must be an Ameren Missouri Commercial/Industrial facility (must be classified as a 2M, 3M, 4M, 11M rate class). Applicable to Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, State Government, Federal Government, Institutional and Agriculture sectors. 

The following are a list of the program opportunities available for customers:

• Standard/Custom Program

• Small Business Direct Install (SBDI) Program

• New Construction Program

• Retro-Commissioning (RCx) Program

• Business Social Services (BSS) Program

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Missouri
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Refrigerators/Freezers
  • Water Heaters
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Heat pumps
  • Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
  • Motor VFDs
  • Food Service Equipment
  • Commercial Cooking Equipment
  • Pool Pumps
  • LED Lighting
Incentive Amount: Standard Incentives are paid on a per-unit-installed basis. Below are a list of technologies incentivized under the Standard Incentive program. Visit the program website for information on additional Incentive programs.

Interior Lighting: T5, T8, T12
LED Type A (Plug & Play): $0.20 per watt reduced
LED Hybrid: $0.20 per watt reduced
LED Type B (Direct Wire): $0.30 per watt reduced
LED Type C (External Driver): $0.30 per watt reduced
Incandescent, Halogen, and HID replacements available, incentives vary depending on equipment. See website for more details.
Exit Sign Replacements: $16.00 per sign
High-Efficiency Air-Cooled Chiller: $2.20 per ton per 0.01 kW per ton IPLV improvement over baseline
High-Efficiency Packaged or Split System DX: less than 65kbtu (less than 5.5 tons): $20.00 per ton per SEER improvement over baseline
65 -135kbtu (5.5-11.5 tons): $20.00 per ton per IEER improvement over baseline
greater than or equal to 135kbtu (greater than or equal to 11.5 tons): $25.00 per ton per IEER improvement over baseline
*See website for more details and baselines
Air Source Heat Pumps:
High Efficiency ASHP less than 65kbtu (less than 5.5 tons): $20.00 per ton per SEER improvement over baseline
High Efficiency ASHP greater than or equal to 65kbtu (greater than or equal to 5.5 tons): $25.00 per ton per IEER improvement over baseline
*See website for more details and baselines
Smart/Learning Thermostat: $150.00 per thermostat
Compressed Air:
High Efficiency Air Nozzle: $75.00 per nozzle
VFD Air Compressor (5-40 HP): $75.00 per HP
No loss Condensate Drain: $180 per drain VFDs
Chilled Water Pumps, Hot Water Pumps, Pool Pumps, Condenser Water Pumps: $100.00 per HP
HVAC Fan: $85 per HP
Cooling Tower Fans: $25 per HP
3 Pan Energy Star Electric Steam Cooker: $671.00 per Steam Cooker
4 Pan Energy Star Electric Steam Cooker: $729.00 per Steam Cooker
5 Pan Energy Star Electric Steam Cooker: $788.00 per Steam Cooker
6 Pan Energy Star Electric Steam Cooker: $910.00 per Steam Cooker
Energy Star Hot Holding Cabinet (greater than or equal to 28 cubic ft): $397.00 per cabinet
Kitchen Demand Ventilation Controls: $250.00 per HP
Energy Star Equipment: $70.00 to $427.00
Anti-sweat Heater Controls: $50.00 to $68.00
High Efficiency Air Cooled Chiller: $2.20 per ton per 0.01 kW per ton IPLV improvement over baseline
Custom: Incentive rate ranges from $0.06 - $0.18 per kWh saved depending on equipment end use. See website for more details.
Maximum Incentive: Standard Incentive amounts are set per measure and are calculated per measure unit identified on the list. Each Standard measure incentive is capped at the total eligible cost of the installed measure as identified on the submitted invoice. This includes the cost of installation, equipment, disposal fees, and equipment rental
Custom incentives may be reimbursed up to a maximum of 50% of the total project costs or 100% of incremental costs based on the upgrade type.
SBDI Incentives are capped at $5,000 per customer however may be eligible for additional incentives through our standard program.
Installation Requirements: Standard Fast-Track measures do not require pre-approval unless the incentive is anticipated to be more than $15,000.
All applications must have a minimum total incentive of $150. All Standard Incentive applications must be submitted with invoices dated on or after March 1, 2019.
All Custom incentives require pre-approval prior to ordering, purchasing, or installing equipment
All projects are subject to inspections. Custom projects with incentives greater or equal to $15,000 require a pre and post inspection.
To qualify for SBDI, the customer must be classified under the Ameren Missouri 2M electric rate and must use an approved SBDI service provider to purchase and install equipment.
A New Construction application must be submitted during the design phase of the project to qualify for New Construction Incentives. Upon receipt of the application, a program representative will contact you to schedule a Design Team Meeting during which you will work with your team and the BizSavers representative to establish a baseline for measuring future energy savings.


Name: BizSavers Program
Organization: Ameren Missouri

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.