Schools with Sol in New Mexico - EnergyBot

Schools with Sol

June 13, 2006


Schools with Sol is a four-year solar demonstration program of the Energy Conservation and Management Division for New Mexico’s K-12 schools. The program funds the installation of solar equipment that produces electricity and/or hot water for school facilities. The goals are to create opportunities for renewable energy education in New Mexico’s schools; provide residential-scale demonstrations in the schools’ local communities; and displace conventional electricity, natural gas, and propane consumption in school facilities. Under the Schools with Sol program, solar energy systems are being installed at ten sites in New Mexico schools each year from 2004 through 2007. It is estimated that the installed systems will produce more than 3 million kilowatt-hours of energy during their 20-year life cycles and save $150,000 in energy costs. As part of the Schools with Sol educational component, students will learn about PV and other types of renewable energy systems, and see real-time energy production through performance monitoring. Schools with Sol is funded by the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department using State General Funds, U.S. Department of Energy funding, school district in-kind contributions, and utility company funding. Funds are used for design, purchase, installation, and maintenance of solar systems. Through a competitive process EMNRD selects schools each year to receive one of three types of systems: - photovoltaic (PV), grid interconnected with 500-to-1000 Watts; - solar domestic hot water (SDHW), 30-to-120 square feet of liquid glazed collectors; - solar swimming pool heating (SSPH), 200-to-300 square feet of liquid unglazed collectors. The Energy Conservation and Management Division assists New Mexico public schools in reducing operating costs through programs for energy-efficient design, energy performance contracting, and clean energy grants. Schools with Sol offers an additional way to reduce operating costs, while also providing a great educational opportunity for students to learn about solar energy and other sustainable technologies.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Financial Incentive
State: New Mexico
Incentive Type: Grant Program
Web Site:
Administrator: New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Solar Water Heat
  • Solar Photovoltaics
  • Solar Pool Heating
Incentive Amount: Up to 100%


Name: Dan Hagen
Organization: New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resou
Address: 1220 S. St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe NM 87505
Phone: (505) 476-3320

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.