Long Island Power Authority - Wind Energy Rebate Program in New York - EnergyBot

Long Island Power Authority - Wind Energy Rebate Program

June 25, 2015


Note: The program web site listed above is for the residential wind energy program; however, LIPA also offers incentives for non-residential wind energy installations.

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) offers rebates to its residential and commercial electric customers -- including non-profits, schools, and governments -- for the installation of grid-connected wind energy systems. It is part of the broader LIPA Efficiency Long Island Program, which also offers residential and commercial incentives for energy efficiency improvements and solar energy systems. In order to qualify for an incentive, the electric customer must own the wind energy system; leased systems are not eligible for incentives.

Rebate amounts are generally based on expected annual energy production in kilowatt-hours (kWh). System size is limited to that needed to provide no more than 105% of customer energy demand during the prior 12 months. System size is also limited by the applicable, residential, farm service or non-residential limits of LIPA's net metering tariff. Thus maximum possible system size is 500 kW for a farm-service customer, 2 MW for a non-residential customer, and 25 kW for a residential customer. Non-residential applications are only eligible for pre-approval of up to 100 kW of generating capacity or expected production of 175,200 kWh (commercial) or 101,333 kWh (non-profits, schools, and governments) per 12-month period. Multiple applications may be accepted to the extent that they do not exceed these limits. Rebate amounts will be calculated as the lesser of 60% of the installed system costs or the amount resulting from the following formulas:

  • Residential: $3.50 per annual kWh up to a maximum of 16,000 kWh.
  • Commercial: $3.50 per annual kWh up to 16,000 kWh and $0.50 per annual kWh for energy production between 16,000 kWh and 175,200 kWh.
  • Gov't, Schools, Nonprofits: $4.50 per annual kWh up to 16,000 kWh and $1.50 per annual kWh for energy production between 16,000 kWh and 101,333 kWh.

As described above, the incentive for governments, schools, and non-profits is essentially the commercial incentive with an added $1.00 kWh bonus. All systems must come from LIPA's list of eligible wind energy systems and be installed in accordance with the applicable local, state, and national codes and standards, including the state of New York's standard interconnection requirements. All projects must be pre-approved by LIPA in order to qualify for a rebate, which will be paid in two phases. The first phase pays 65% of the total rebate upon system installation while the second phase pays the remaining 35% one year after installation based on annual performance and output.

The 2013 budget for the small wind rebate program is $817,000. LIPA has furnished a customer checklist on the program web site to help guide consumers and installers through the rebate process. Prospective applicants should consult this checklist prior to making any project decisions.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: New York
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site: http://www.lipower.org/residential/efficiency/renewables/wind-rebates.html
Administrator: Long Island Power Authority
Start Date: January 2009
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Wind (All)
  • Wind (Small)
Incentive Amount: Varies by sector and system size
Maximum Incentive: Lesser of 60% of installed cost or values below:
Residential: $56,000
Commercial: $135,600
Gov't, School, Non-profit: $200,000
Eligible System Size: System size limited to that needed to supply 105% of customer energy use during prior 12 months; Systems must also be eligible to net meter (sector specific size limits)
Equipment Requirements: Systems must be new and listed as an eligible system by LIPA; minimum 5-year warranty on generator, tower, and inverters; system performance meter is required.
Installation Requirements: System must grid-connected and be owned by the customer (i.e., leased systems are not eligible)
Ownership of Renewable Energy Credits: LIPA


Name: Public Information - LIPA Wind Rebate Processing
Organization: Long Island Power Authority
Address: 25 Hub Drive
Melvin NY 11747
Phone: (800) 692-2626
Email: wind@service.lipower.org

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.