Dominion North Carolina Power - Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Programs in North Carolina - EnergyBot

Dominion North Carolina Power - Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Programs

March 25, 2015


 Dominion Virginia Power provides a number of rebates to customers for the installation of energy efficient equipment and measures. Incentives are available for Energy Audit, Duct Sealing, Lighting, Window Film, HVAC, and Distributed Generation.

 The Non-Residential Energy Audit program provides an on-site analysis of energy use, a custom report with upgrade recommendations, financial incentives that cover approved measures, access to prequalified contractors and equipment installation at the convenience of the customer. Areas of focus are in CPU Power Management, Vending Machine Controller (Cold Drink), Refrigeration Retrocommissioning, Display Case Lighting Control. Refrigeration Pressure Improvement, Auto-Closers on Main Freezer Doors and Zero-Heat Reach-In Glass Doors. Customers addressing inefficiency in these areas will be provided an incentive to help cover the cost of recommended upgrades. The average incentive amount provided under this program is $1,800. 

Non residential customers also provided rebates for testing and sealing leaky air ducts. Systems evaluated will include air handlers, air intake, return and supply plenums, and any connecting duct work. Incentives vary depending on the unit size of their HVAC system. Rebates range from $75/ton - $90/ton.

Additional incentives are available for installing solar reduction window film. These films reduce the solar radiation passed in through the windows, which in turn lowers stress on HVAC equipment on heating degree days. Rebates are calculated based on rated SHGC improvement and total installed per sq. ft. 

Please view the program website for additional details on non-residential programs. 



Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: North Carolina
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Chillers
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
  • Duct/Air sealing
  • Windows
  • Motor VFDs
  • Other EE
  • Vending Machine Controls
  • Personal Computing Equipment
  • Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Incentive Amount: Air Cooled Chillers: $55
Geothermal Heat Pump: $49
HVAC Economizers: varies from $98/unit- $156/unit
Variable Frequency Drive: $62/hp
Equipment Requirements: Heat Pumps: 14.5 SEER
Window Film: SHGH improvement 0.2 or greater


This program has 5 incentives
Technologies: Windows
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, Federal Government, Institutional
Parameters: The incentive has a maximum of 0.45 $/square foot
Technologies: Duct/Air sealing
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, Federal Government, Institutional
Parameters: The incentive has a maximum of 75.00 $/ton
Technologies: Heat pumps, Air conditioners
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, Federal Government, Institutional
Parameters: The incentive is 45.00 $/ton
Technologies: Chillers
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, Federal Government, Institutional
Parameters: The incentive is 55.00 $/ton
Technologies: Geothermal Heat Pumps
Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Schools, Federal Government, Institutional
Parameters: The incentive is 49.00 $/ton


Name: Dominion North Carolina Power Customer Service
Address: PO Box 26666
Richmond VA 23290-0001
Phone: (888) 366-8280

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.