Forest Grove Light & Power - Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

July 10, 2024


Forest Grove Light & Power offers rebates through its Conservation Services Department. Rebates are available for ductless heat pumps, appliances, thermostats, weatherization measures, and others. Consult the Forest Grove Light & Power website for additional program information.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Oregon
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator: Forest Grove Light & Power
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Clothes Washers
  • Water Heaters
  • Heat pumps
  • Programmable Thermostats
  • Duct/Air sealing
  • Building Insulation
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Insulation
  • HVAC
Incentive Amount: Appliances
Clothes Washer (homes w/electric water heater): $30 - $50
Clothes Washer (homes w/gas water heater): $15 - $25
Clothes Dryer: $50
Heat Pump Water Heater: $300 - $500
Google Nest Thermostat: Free

HVAC, Electric Water Heating, & Weatherization Measures
Duct Sealing Manufactured Home (existing): $200
Duct Sealing Single-Family (existing): $250
PTCS Commissioning, Controls & Sizing: $300
Air Source Heat Pump (Upgrade from heat pump, zonal or non-electric heat): $500
Air Source Heat Pump (PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): $1,400
Air Source Heat Pump (Non-PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): $800
Variable Speed Heat Pump (PTCS Upgrade from heat pump, zonal or non-electric heat): $700
Variable Speed Heat Pump (PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): $1,600
Variable Speed Heat Pump (Non-PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): $1,000
Ductless & Ducted Mini-Split Heat Pumps: $800
Ductless & Ducted Mini-Split Heat Pump Upgrade: $100
Advanced Smart Thermostat: $140
Line Voltage Thermostat: $18/Thermostat
Communicating Line Voltage Thermostat: $35/Thermostat
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater 40 Gallon – All Tiers: $600
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater Tier 1 or Tier 2 – 50 gallon and above: $300
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater Tier 3 – 50 gallon and above: $600
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater Tier 4 – 50 gallon and above: $700
Split-System Heat Pump Water Heater: $800
Prescriptive Air Sealing: $0.08/Square Foot of attic/crawlspace
Whole House Air Sealing Site Built Home: $0.20/CFM Reduction
Whole House Air Sealing Manufactured Home: $0.25/CFM Reduction
Window/Sliding Glass Door Replacement: $6.00 - $12.00/Square Foot
Window/Sliding Glass Door Replacement: $8.00 - 16.00/Square Foot
Exterior Door Replacement: $40

Site Built Home Insulation
Attic Insulation R-0 to R-10 existing: $2.00/Square Foot
Attic Insulation R-11 to R-18 existing: $0.75/Square Foot
Attic Insulation R-19 existing: $0.30/Square Foot
Floor Insulation R-19 or Greater: $0.75/Square Foot
Floor Insulation R-30 or Greater: $0.90/Square Foot
Wall Insulation No insulation existing: $2.00/Square Foot

Manufactured Home Insulation
Attic Insulation R-0 to R-11 existing: $0.90/Square Foot
Attic Insulation R-11 to R-18 existing: $0.45/Square Foot
Floor Insulation R-0 to R-11 existing: $0.90/Square Foot

Multifamily Weatherization
Attic Insulation R-0 to R-11 Existing: $1.20/Square Foot
Attic Insulation R-11 to R-19 Existing: $0.30/Square Foot
Floor Insulation R-0 to R-11 Existing: $1.11/Square Foot
Floor Insulation R-11 to R-19 Existing: $0.21/Square Foot
Wall Insulation No insulation existing: $2.00/Square Foot
Package Terminal Heat Pump: $200/PTHP
Equipment Requirements: Appliances
Clothes Washer (homes w/electric water heater): CEE Tier 1,2, or 3 or Energy Star
Clothes Washer (homes w/gas water heater): CEE Tier 1,2, or 3 or Energy Star
Clothes Dryer: Energy Star
Heat Pump Water Heater: Energy Star

HVAC, Electric Water Heating, & Weatherization Measures
Duct Sealing Manufactured Home (existing): electric forced air furnace or heat pump system with at least 30% of ducts outside thermal envelope
Duct Sealing Single-Family (existing): electric forced air furnace or heat pump system with at least 30% of ducts outside thermal envelope
PTCS Commissioning, Controls & Sizing: AHRI-tested & certified
Air Source Heat Pump (Upgrade from heat pump, zonal or non-electric heat): 9.0 HSPF and 14 SEER & AHRI-tested & certified
Air Source Heat Pump (PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): 9.0 HSPF and 14 SEER & AHRI-tested & certified
Air Source Heat Pump (Non-PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): 9.0 HSPF and 14 SEER & AHRI-tested & certified
Variable Speed Heat Pump (PTCS Upgrade from heat pump, zonal or non-electric heat): 9.0 HSPF and 14 SEER & AHRI-tested & certified
Variable Speed Heat Pump (PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): 9.0 HSPF and 14 SEER & AHRI-tested & certified
Variable Speed Heat Pump (Non-PTCS Heat Pump Conversion from Electric Forced-Air Furnace): 9.0 HSPF and 14 SEER & AHRI-tested & certified
Ductless & Ducted Mini-Split Heat Pumps: Minimum of 9 HSPF
Ductless & Ducted Mini-Split Heat Pump Upgrade: Minimum of 11 HSPF
Advanced Smart Thermostat: Be on BPA’s Smart Thermostat Qualified Products List
Line Voltage Thermostat: UL or CSA Listed
Communicating Line Voltage Thermostat: UL or CSA Listed
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater 40 Gallon – All Tiers: Listed on BPA’s HPWH Qualified Products List (QPL)
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater Tier 1 or Tier 2 – 50 gallon and above: Listed on BPA’s HPWH Qualified Products List (QPL)
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater Tier 3 – 50 gallon and above: Listed on BPA’s HPWH Qualified Products List (QPL)
Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater Tier 4 – 50 gallon and above: Listed on BPA’s HPWH Qualified Products List (QPL)
Split-System Heat Pump Water Heater: Listed on BPA’s HPWH Qualified Products List (QPL)
Prescriptive Air Sealing: Not Listed
Whole House Air Sealing Site Built Home: Not Listed
Whole House Air Sealing Manufactured Home: Not Listed
Window/Sliding Glass Door Replacement Site Built and Manufactured: ≥U - .30 (.35 Sliding glass door)
Window/Sliding Glass Door Replacement Multifamily: ≥ U - .22 (.30 Sliding glass door)
Exterior Door Replacement: ENERGY STAR

Site Built Home Insulation
Attic Insulation R-0 to R-10 existing: R-38 or Greater
Attic Insulation R-11 to R-18 existing: R-38 or Greater
Attic Insulation R-19 existing: R-38 or Greater
Floor Insulation R-19 or Greater: R-19 or Greater
Floor Insulation R-30 or Greater: R-30 or Greater
Wall Insulation No insulation existing: R-11 or greater

Manufactured Home Insulation
Attic Insulation R-0 to R-11 existing: R-22 or Greater
Attic Insulation R-11 to R-18 existing: R-30 or Greater
Floor Insulation R-0 to R-11 existing: R-22 or Greater

Multifamily Weatherization
Attic Insulation R-0 to R-11 Existing: R-38 or Greater
Attic Insulation R-11 to R-19 Existing: R-38 or Greater
Floor Insulation R-0 to R-11 Existing: R-19 or Greater
Floor Insulation R-11 to R-19 Existing: R-30 or Greater
Wall Insulation No insulation existing: R-11 or Greater
Package Terminal Heat Pump: New PTHP with AHRI Certificate


Name: Consumer Services Specialist - Forest Grove
Organization: Forest Grove Light & Power
Address: 1818 B Street
Forest Grove OR 97116
Phone: (503) 992-3253

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.