NOTE: It is important to note that some applicants are only eligible to apply under some aspects of the program. Political subdivisions are only permitted to apply for loans or grants for Clean Energy Projects. Businesses and non-profits may apply for loans for Alternative Energy Production Projects and Clean Energy Projects, but may only apply for grants for Alternative Energy Production Projects and for site preparation for an alternative energy system as a Clean Energy Project.
In July 2008, Pennsylvania enacted a broad $650 million alternative energy bill designed to provide support for a variety of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Included in this legislation was a provision authorizing the creation of a grant and loan program for alternative energy and clean energy production projects. The program is jointly administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), under the direction of Commonwealth Finance Authority (CFA). The most recent Program Guidelines were issued in January 2020 available here. Incentives are available to businesses (including non-profits), economic development organizations, and political subdivisions (e.g., local governments, schools, etc.).
The program will offer support for alternative energy and clean energy projects in the form of loans, grants and loan guarantees (i.e., grants to be used in the event of a financing default). Under this program, alternative energy production projects and clean energy production projects are governed by distinct sets of definitions and rules. Eligible activities for each type of project are described briefly below (see program rules for more detailed descriptions).
Clean Energy Projects
Alternative Energy Production Projects (construction or development of):
Both types of project allow eligible costs associated with the preparation of plans, specifications, studies, and surveys, necessary or incidental to facilitating or developing an eligible project, and costs (up to 2%) associated with administering a grant. The individual support mechanisms are described in more detail below. For all types of support, there is a general requirement that applicants provide matching funds equivalent to the funding offered under the program (i.e., incentives generally limited to 50% of costs).
Loans are available at interest rate calculated 250 basis point higher than the 10 year treasury bond (see the current rate here). Loans may generally be amortized over a period corresponding to the life of the equipment, not to exceed 25 years, and must be repaid within 10 years. Loans for energy efficiency and energy conservation projects (including geothermal systems) have a 10-year amortization. Loans for manufacturing facilities are limited to $40,000 per job created within three years of loan approval. Failure to create the requisite number of jobs within three years may cause the interest rate to be raised by 3% over the remaining portion of the loan. Loans are limited to $5 million of 50% of the total project cost, whichever is less.
Maximum amount of grant for any alternative energy project or clean energy project is capped at $2 million or 30% of the total project cost, whichever is less. Public Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) can get a grant up to 40% of the project costs, while a private CNG or LNG facility can get a grant up to 25% of the cost. Grant for Home Performance Building is capped at 10% of the cost; $500,000 for energy saving contracts (ESCOs); and $175,000 for planning and feasibility studies. Grants for manufacturing facilities are available for up to $10,000 for every job created within three years of grant approval. Total maximum amount of financial incentive including combination of loans and grants for any project is limited to 50% of the total project cost.
Loan Guarantees
Loan guarantees will take the form of a grant that may be used in the event of financing default on the part of the applicant. Loan guarantees are limited to 75% of the deficiency up to $5 million. The term of the grant may not exceed five years.
Special Session H.B. 1 authorized a total of $165 million for this program. Visit the program web site and review the funding guidelines for additional program details and application procedures.
*While solar energy is in fact eligible under the state AEPS, a specific solar energy program was also authorized as part of the enabling legislation and as a result solar energy projects have been excluded from some other programs created by the same legislation. The program guidelines do not list solar energy as an eligible technology. However, it appears that some solar technologies could qualify if they are incorporated into the broader design of a High Performance Building.
Implementing Sector: | State |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Pennsylvania |
Incentive Type: | Loan Program |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | Department of Community and Economic Development |
Start Date: | May 2009 |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Maximum Loan: |
Manufacturer Loans: $40,000 per job created within 3 years Manufacturer Grants: $10,000 per job created within 3 years Loans for distribution projects, high performance buildings: $5 million (also limited to $3/square foot of space served for geothermal Grants for distribution projects, high performance buildings: $2 million Grants for Energy Savings Contracts (ESCO): $500,000 Grants for Feasibility Studies: $175,000 Loan guarantee grants: Up to 75% of deficient funds up to $5 million Incentives generally limited to 50% of project costs, except grants for high performance buildings limited to 10% of project costs. |
Loan Term: | Loan interest rates set at 250 basis points higher than 10 year treasury bond (5% for 2014); loans may be amortized over the life of the equipment, not to exceed 25 years, except 10 years for energy efficiency or conservation projects. |
Name: | Special Session H.B. 1 |
Date Enacted: | 07/09/2008 |
Name: | Program Information - DCED Alternative and Clean Energy Program |
Organization: | Department of Community and Economic Developm |
Address: |
Commonwealth Keystone Building Harrisburg PA 17120-0225 |
Phone: | (717) 787-6245 |
Email: | |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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