On September 21, 2021, the Governor's Office issued Management Directive 720,05 Amended, Energy Management and Conservation in Commonwealth-Owned and Leased Facilities. This Directive supersedes and replaces Management Directive 720.05 dated July 25, 2008. The Directive establishes policy and responsibilities for the management of facilities owned or leased by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It applies to all departments, offices, commissions, and other agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction that occupy space controlled by the Department of General Services in facilities in the Commonwealth.
The Objectives of the Directive are compliance with the stipulations of Executive Order 2019-01, which established a 3% annual reduction in energy consumption. It directs agencies to:
The Directive instructs agencies to establish "Agency Sustainability Teams" consisting of internal staff in multiple disciplines. Agency Sustainability Teams must participate in:
The Directive requires agencies to implement specific building-specific conservation measures for appliances, interior environmental controls, lighting, and office equipment standards and practices. Responsibilities established by the Directive include
In December 2004, the Governor signed Executive Order 2004-12, which made a number of energy efficiency related requirements for state facilities. The Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) is generally responsible for administering the state's energy management and conservation policies as a centralized coordinator. Consistent with this role, the DGS has responsibilities including, but not limited to, the following:
Work with state agencies to develop energy conservation methods for new construction and building renovations, including green building practices
Implement programs to train personnel in life-cycle cost analysis and apply it to state projects
Develop and implement standard procedures for state Energy Service Company (ESCO) projects
Develop procedures for energy use reduction in state-leased facilities
Procure Energy Star or other energy efficiency products when it is economical and consistent with life-cycle cost analysis.
The order also contains an extensive list of behavioral and equipment improvements that should be implemented by all state executive agencies. The Pennsylvania Department of Environment Protection (DEP) is directed to provide assistance and advice to the DGS and other executive agencies in implementing the energy conservation requirements of the order.
The 2004 initiative reportedly reduced energy consumption in state buildings by 10% annually during 2006. In June 2008 Governor Rendell directed the DGS to implement further energy efficiency measures with a goal of achieving an additional 10% reduction in energy use in state buildings by 2010. The new directive called for compact fluorescent lighting to replace all incandescent lighting; lighting in the Capitol Complex to incorporate occupancy sensors; peak shedding and smart metering strategies to be deployed in state-owned buildings; and office thermostat settings to be increased from 74 degrees to 75 degrees in state buildings during the summer. Revised Management Directive No. 720.5 issued in July 2008 provides further details on the state's energy efficiency policy for state buildings. Although it appears that a renewed energy conservation target for state buildings has not been set, the 2004 Executive Order and 2008 Management Directive remain in effect.
Implementing Sector: | State |
Category: | Regulatory Policy |
State: | Pennsylvania |
Incentive Type: | Energy Standards for Public Buildings |
Web Site: | https://www.oa.pa.gov/Policies/md/Documents/720_5.pdf |
Administrator: | Department of General Services |
Start Date: | |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Name: | Management Directive No. 720.5 |
Effective Date: | 07/25/2008 |
Name: | Executive Order 2019-01 |
Name: | Public Information - DGS Facilities Management |
Organization: | Pennsylvania Department of General Services |
Address: |
414 North Office Building Harrisburg PA 17125 |
Phone: | (717) 787-3893 |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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