FirstEnergy (West Penn Power) - Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program in Pennsylvania - EnergyBot

FirstEnergy (West Penn Power) - Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

May 04, 2015


FirstEnergy (West Penn Power) offers various rebates to eligible commercial, industrial, non-profit, local government and institutional customers in Pennsylvania service territory who upgrade to energy efficient equipment. Rebates are available on lighting, controls, HVAC equipment, sensors, exit signs, food service equipment, refrigeration and custom projects. Contact FirstEnergy regarding custom incentive options for projects which do not fit within the scope of the prescriptive rebate offerings. All appropriate forms, requirements and guidelines for equipment may be found on the program web site listed above. All application forms must be filled out completely along with all necessary purchase documentation. Contact First Energy (West Penn Power) for other information regarding this program.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Pennsylvania
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator: SAIC
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Chillers
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Motors
  • Motor VFDs
  • Custom/Others pending approval
  • Food Service Equipment
Incentive Amount: Custom Lighting Incentive: 0.05/kWh saved annually
Screw-In CFL Lamp: $1
Hard-Wired CFL Lamp: $15
Lighting Controls: $35/sensor
Street Lights (w/ Photocell Sensor): $140 - $800
Outdoor Area Lights (w/ Photocell Sensor): $65 - $100
LED Traffic/Pedestrian Signals: $20 - 30.67/unit
HVAC Maintenance: $25/unit serviced
LED Exit Sign: $15
Motors: $20 - $400
Motor VSD (Newly Installed): $30/HP
Unitary/Split HVAC Systems: $150 - $350/unit
Air Source Heat Pumps: $150 - $350/unit
Package Terminal Heat Pumps: $150/unit
Water Source Heat Pumps: $150/ton
Ground Source/Ground Water Source Heat Pumps: $250/unit
Chillers: $12.50-$25/ton
Custom: 0.05/kWh saved annually
Refrigeration/Food Service Equipment: Varies
Maximum Incentive: Contact First Energy (West Penn Power)


Address: 800 Cabin Hill Drive,
Greensburg PA 15601
Phone: (800) 255-3443

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.