PECO Energy (Electric) - Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program in Pennsylvania - EnergyBot

PECO Energy (Electric) - Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

June 02, 2023


PECO provides custom and prescriptive incentives for commercial energy efficiency retrofits including HVAC systems, Lighting, EC Motors, Refrigeration, CHP, and Food Services. Prescriptive incentives are energy efficiency measures with pre-determined savings and incentive levels. Custom measures include that are not listed in the prescriptive list, and must be approved by PECO in advance. 

Incentives for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) are up to $2 million. For more information on this program, call at 1-866-0357 or email at Information can also be found at this website.

A complete list of minimum equipment requirements can be found on the individual program applications. Customers should mail completed, signed incentive application forms or apply online.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Pennsylvania
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Geothermal Heat Pumps
  • Combined Heat & Power
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Chillers
  • Heat pumps
  • Air conditioners
  • Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls
  • Motors
  • Motor VFDs
  • Comprehensive Measures/Whole Building
  • Custom/Others pending approval
  • Food Service Equipment
  • Vending Machine Controls
  • Personal Computing Equipment
  • Data Center Equipment
  • LED Lighting
  • Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
  • HVAC
Incentive Amount: Lighting
Varies widely by equipment type, see program website.

Air Cooled Air Conditioner <5.4 tons: $40/Ton
Air Cooled Air Conditioner ≥5.4 and <11.25 tons: $50/Ton
Air Cooled Air Conditioner ≥11.25 and <20 tons: $60/Ton
Air Cooled Air Conditioner ≥20 and <63.33 tons: $1,400/Unit
Air Cooled Air Conditioner ≥63.33 tons: $1,600/Unit
Air Cooled Heat Pumps <5.4 tons: $75/Ton
Air Cooled Heat Pumps ≥5.4 and <11.25 tons: $85/Ton
Air Cooled Heat Pumps ≥11.25 and <20 tons: $85/Ton
Air Cooled Heat Pumps ≥20 tons: $1,800/Unit
Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump: $50/Ton
Packaged Terminal Systems <0.66 tons: $45/Ton
Packaged Terminal Systems ≥0.66 and <0.875 tons: $48/Ton
Packaged Terminal Systems ≥0.875 tons: $50/Ton
Water Cooled Heat Pump <1.4 tons: $150/Pump
Water Cooled Heat Pump 1.4–5.4 tons: $250/Pump
ECM Circulation Fan: $30/Fan
Economizer Controls <5.4 Tons: $100/Unit
Economizer Controls 5.4–20 Tons: $200/Unit
Economizer Controls >20 Tons: $300/Unit
Hotel Guest Room Occupancy Sensor: $45/Per Room
Air Cooled Chiller <75 Tons, HVAC: $1,550/Unit
Air Cooled Chiller 75–150 Tons, HVAC: $3,100/Unit
Water Cooled Centrifugal Chiller ≥150 tons and greater: $20/Ton
Water Cooled Positive Displacement or Reciprocating Chiller ≥75 tons and greater: $20/Ton

Motors and Drives
Varies widely by equipment type, see program website.

Compressed Air
Cycling Refrigerated Thermal Mass Dryer: $20 Compressor
No-loss Condensate Drain: $50/Drain
Storage Tanks for Load/No Load Screw Compressors <50 HP: $800/Unit
Storage Tanks for Load/No Load Screw Compressors 50–150 HP: $1,000/Unit
Storage Tanks for Load/No Load Screw Compressors >150 HP: $1,500/Unit
Variable Speed Air Compressor: ≤50 HP $2,200/Compressor
Variable Speed Air Compressor: 51–100 HP $4,400/Compressor
Variable Speed Air Compressor: 101–150 HP $6,200/Compressor

New Construction
Lighting Power Density: ≥5% better than code: $0.10/kWh Saved
Whole Building: >5% to 10% better than code: $0.15/kWh Saved
Whole Building: 11–20% better than code: $0.16/kWh Saved
Whole Building: 21–30% better than code: $0.17/kWh Saved
Whole Building—Design Incentive: Up to $25,000 Application

Data Centers
Computer Room Air Conditioner <5.4 tons: $350/Per CRAC
Computer Room Air Conditioner 5.4–20 tons: $550/Per CRAC
Computer Room Air Conditioner >20 tons: $750/Per CRAC
Computer Room Air Handler, variable speed: $30/Ton
PC Power Management System: $6/Pc Controlled
Uninterruptible Power Supply: $1,500/Unit
Water Cooled Centrifugal Chiller: <150 tons $20/Ton
Water Cooled Positive Displacement or Reciprocating Chiller <75 tons: $20/Ton

Refrigeration & Food Service
Add Doors to Open Refrigerated Cases: $45/Door
Air Cooled Refrigeration Condenser: $250/Unit
Anti-Sweat Heater Controls: $60/Door
Automatic Door Closers for Walk-in Coolers: $40/Door
Automatic Door Closers for Walk-in Freezers: $60/Door
Door Gaskets: $50/Door
Evaporative Fan Controls: $30/Controller
Evaporator Coil Defrost Control: $104/Controller
Evaporator Fan EC Motor for Reach-in Cases: $25/Motor
Evaporator Fan EC Motor for Walk-in Cases: $30/Motor
Floating-head Pressure Controls: $1,000/Control
LED Refrigeration Case Lighting, Open Case, Refrigerator or Freezer: $0.10/kWh Saved
LED Refrigeration Case Lighting, Reach-in Case, Refrigerator or Freezer: $30/Door
Night Cover for Display Cases: $20/Case
Suction Pipe Insulation for Walk-in Coolers: $150/System
Suction Pipe Insulation for Walk-in Freezers: $180/System
Variable Speed Refrigeration Compressor: $2,000/Compressor
Zero Energy Doors: $40/Door

$0.10 kWh Saved
Equipment Requirements: See program website.


Name: PECO Business
Phone: (844) 424-9728

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.