Pennsylvania - Green Power Purchasing in Pennsylvania - EnergyBot

Pennsylvania - Green Power Purchasing

August 09, 2011


Pennsylvania's state government is purchasing annually 500,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity -- 50% of the state government's total electricity use -- from various renewable energy resources (click here for the press release). Pennsylvania originally committed to purchasing green power to supply 5% of its electricity use annually, beginning in 2000. In October 2004, Governor Ed Rendell doubled the state government's original green power purchase commitment from 5% to 10%. The commitment was doubled again, to 20%, in August 2006. In October 2007, the contract was modified with an additional purchase that brought the total green power purchase to 28% of the state government's annual electricity consumption. For Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, the state bumped their purchase once again to 40% of state government electricity needs.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Regulatory Policy
State: Pennsylvania
Incentive Type: Green Power Purchasing
Web Site:
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
Renewables % or Amount: 50% under most recent purchase
Source: Various


Name: Public Information - GGGC
Organization: Governor's Green Government Council
Address: P.O. Box 8772
Harrisburg PA 17105-8772
Phone: (717) 783-8411

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.