The Solar Energy Program (SEP) program offers financial assistance as loans to eligible applicants to promote manufacturing, research and development, and generation of solar energy in the state. The program is administered jointly by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) under direction of the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA).
Program Description
The program has a 25% cost share requirement. The applicant must provide evidence of a commitment of matching investment of at least $1 for every $3 of program funds awarded by the CFA.
The loan amount can be used for following measures:
Expenses related to fees for securing other financing, interest on borrowed funds, refinancing of existing debt, and cost incurred prior to the approval of CFA financing are not eligible for funding.
To apply for funding, interested applicants can submit an online application available at the Department of Community and Economic Development website. Applications must be received at least 60 days prior to the next scheduled CFA meeting at which Solar Energy Program applications will be considered. The application review schedule is available on the CFA website.
Implementing Sector: | State |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Pennsylvania |
Incentive Type: | Loan Program |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) |
Start Date: | |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Maximum Loan: |
Manufacturer of solar equipment: $40,000 for every new job projected to be created by 3 years Solar energy generation or distribution project: $5 million or $3 per watt Solar research and development facility: $5 million 25% matching investment required for all loan amounts |
Loan Term: | Not to exceed 22 years for equipment and 15 years for real estate. |
Interest Rate: |
Interest rate: 10 year Treasury + 250 Basis Points (subject to change) Fixed interest rate determined at the time of approval of the loan. $100 non-refundable application fee 1% commitment fee on all approved loans |
Name: | Solar Energy Program Guidelines |
Date Enacted: | 11/11/2016 |
Name: | PA Department of Community and Economic Development |
Address: |
400 North Street, 4th Floor Harrisburg PA 17120-0225 |
Phone: | (183) 372-2677 |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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