Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Solar Electric Program in Rhode Island - EnergyBot

Commercial, Industrial and Institutional Solar Electric Program

August 01, 2008


The Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources (OER) offers grants of up to $3.00/watt DC for for-profit entities and $3.50/watt DC for non-profit entities for photovoltaic (PV) projects installed in Rhode Island. Funding may not exceed the cost of a 25-kilowatt (kW) project. (Larger systems may be installed, but no funding will be provided for the incremental size of a system above 25 kW.) The maximum award for for-profits is $75,000; the maximum award for non-profits is $87,500. A total of $150,000 is available through this program for FY 2008. Mailed applications will be accepted beginning June 1, 2008. Applications will be accepted until July 30, 2008, or until funding is exhausted. The OER is using a modified Request for Proposal (RFP) approach to select successful applicants.* The projects with the lowest requested incentive rate will receive the highest priority. To promote competition, no more than 50% of the funds awarded may be used for projects completed by any single installer. Sites must be located in the National Grid or Pascoag Utility District service territories, and must have an electrical demand of at least 10 kW. (Customers of Block Island Power Company are not eligible.) Energy production may not exceed 100% of historic annual electric energy purchases. Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) generated as a result of the project’s installation will be delivered to the Rhode Island REC market such that they may be allocated towards the state's renewable portfolio standard (RPS). All PV system equipment must be new. A schematic and shading analysis of the proposed site is required. Projects may not exceed shading levels above 7% and may be oriented up to 45 degrees east or west of true south. All projects must have an ISO-New England-approved energy meter that records the AC energy produced by the system. Projects must be installed according to all applicable state codes and/or OER regulations. A commissioning test will be conducted after system installation. * See the OER web site (shown above) to access the current program RFP.

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Rhode Island
Incentive Type: Grant Program
Web Site:
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Solar Photovoltaics
Incentive Amount: Non-profits: $3.50/watt DC; for-profits: $3/watt DC
Maximum Incentive: Non-profits: $87,500; for-profits: $75,000
Equipment Requirements: All equipment must be new. Systems must have an ISO-New England-approved energy meter that records AC energy generated.
Installation Requirements: Systems must meet orientation and shading guidelines, must be located in Narragansett Electric or Pascoag Utility District, and must meet all applicable state codes and/or OER regulations.

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.