Electric Vehicle Workplace Charging Station Loan Program in Vermont - EnergyBot

Electric Vehicle Workplace Charging Station Loan Program

March 05, 2024


The Electric Vehicle Workplace Charing Station Loan Program is operated by the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) working in conjunction with Green Mountain Power (GMP). Electric vehicle charging stations are available for profit or not-for-profit businesses, municipalities, or individuals owning or leasing a business property to an otherwise eligible business and installing a new EV Charging station(s). These include individuals, sole proprietors, LLCs, corporations, cooperatives, not-for-profits, and municipalities.

Eligible applications must be customers of GMP or another electric utility with a similar EV charging station program that is acceptable to VEDA. Eligible projects may include the purchase and installation of EV charging equipment and connection to the utility.

The loan may fund up to 80% of the project cost at a max of $25,000. Interest rates will be fixed at 4% for terms of 3 years and fixed at 5% for loans with a longer term (max of up to 5 years).

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Vermont
Incentive Type: Loan Program
Web Site: https://www.veda.org/financing-options/vermont-commercial-financing/ev-charging-station-loan-program/ev-workplace-charging
Administrator: Vermont Economic Development Authority
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Level-2 Electric Vehicle Service Equipment
Maximum Loan: $25,000
Loan Term: Maximum loan term of up to 5 years
Interest Rate: 4% for 3-year loans
5% for longer terms (max 5 years)


This program has 1 incentives
Technologies: Level-2 Electric Vehicle Service Equipment
Sectors: Commercial, Local Government, Nonprofit, Cooperative Utilities
Parameters: The incentive has a minimum of $25000.00, The incentive is 80.00 % of cost


Name: Vermont Economic Development Authority
Phone: (802) 828-5627
Email: EV@veda.org

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.