Renewable energy legislation enacted in June 2003 authorizes the use of a portion of Vermont's petroleum violation escrow fund to provide incentives for qualifying solar electric, solar hot water, and small wind systems. A total of $522,900 is available for incentives. The program, launched on October 24, 2003, is expected to support the installation of approximately 120 to 150 new renewable energy systems in the state within a 12- to 24-month period. Residents, businesses, and municipalities are eligible to apply for the incentives. The Renewable Energy Resource Center (RERC), a project of the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation will administer the incentive program and provide consumer education and support services. The program offers two basic incentive tiers, one for systems that are installed by a Vermont Solar and Wind Partner, and a second, lower level for systems installed by other parties. Vermont Solar and Wind Partners are installers who have agreed to comply with an accepted set of equipment and installation standards, and have provided the RERC with references for jobs completed in Vermont. Application materials and a list of all currently approved Partners are maintained on the program Web site shown above. Note that incentives for more than one technology can and must be applied for simultaneously. PV and Wind Systems Solar-electric system and wind incentives for systems installed by a Vermont Solar and Wind Partner are $2.50/W up to 40% of total installed cost, not to exceed $12,500. For other installers, the incentive is set at $1.50/W up to 40% of the total installed system costs, with a maximum amount of $7,500. Both grid-connected and off-grid photovoltaic and wind systems are eligible for incentives. They must be complete systems capable of providing AC power using a UL listed, grid-capable inverter and incorporate UL-listed balance of system components. Solar electric system incentives are calculated according to the total array output based on the module manufacturer’s rated panel output under standard test conditions (STC). For wind systems, incentive amounts are determined based on manufacturer’s total rated turbine output with a hub-height wind speed of 11 meters per second. See DSIRE summaries on net metering and interconnection for additional requirements. Solar Hot Water Systems Solar hot water system incentives for systems installed by Vermont Solar and Wind Partners are $2.50/100 Btu/day up to 40% of the total installed system costs, not to exceed $12,500. Systems installed by other installers will receive $1.50/100 Btu/day up to 40% of the total installed system costs, with a maximum amount of $7,500. Solar hot water systems must be complete systems capable of serving domestic hot water loads. The thermal collectors used in the systems must have an OG-100 output rating from the Solar Rating Certification Corporation (SRCC) or an equivalent organization. Solar hot water system incentives are calculated according to the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation’s OG 100 collector rating for kBtu/Day output under Clear C conditions. Alternative equivalent ratings for non-flat plate collectors may be submitted for consideration. There are no specific minimum or maximum sizes for eligible systems. However, program incentives will only support the first 5 kW of installed capacity for a solar electric or wind system and the first 500,000 Btu/day rating for solar thermal collectors.
Implementing Sector: | State |
Category: | Financial Incentive |
State: | Vermont |
Incentive Type: | Rebate Program |
Web Site: | |
Administrator: | Vermont Energy Investment Corporation |
Start Date: | |
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: |
Name: | S. 57 of 2003 |
Date Enacted: | 6/17/03 |
Name: | Bret Hamilton |
Organization: | Vermont Energy Investment Corporation |
Address: |
255 South Champlain St. Burlington VT 05445 |
Phone: | (877) 888-7372 |
Email: | |
This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.
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