Focus On Energy - New Construction / Energy Design Assistance Program in Wisconsin - EnergyBot

Focus On Energy - New Construction / Energy Design Assistance Program

May 17, 2023


Focus on Energy offers design professionals, builders, developers, and owners technical and financial support at every stage of the design and construction process. The financial incentives provided help reduce up-front costs of energy efficiency measures exceeding Wisconsin energy code requirements. Whether you are planning a new office building, renovating a school, or constructing a new home, Focus on Energy provides opportunities to save.

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New Construction Offering Overview

Energy Design Assistance

Energy Design Assistance (EDA) provides a free customized, whole-building analysis of energy-saving options, during design, for buildings over 5,000 square feet. The specific measures and combinations to consider will be customized for each project, in consultation with the project team. Design teams are eligible for incentives, and building owners are eligible for whole-building incentives that can help reduce the upfront cost of energy-efficient measures that exceed Wisconsin energy code requirements.

Apply for Energy Design Assistance

Energy Design Review

Energy Design Review (EDR) utilizes a simplified version of the EDA process for projects too far along in design to fully benefit from EDA. EDR also utilizes whole-building energy simulation analysis to investigate and capture savings associated with energy efficiency improvements included in the final design.

Multifamily New Construction Offerings

Like Energy Design Review, Multifamily New Construction offerings also include a simplified version of Energy Design Assistance to support projects too far along in the design phase to benefit from EDA. Product and Equipment Performance (PEP) evaluates your building holistically by rating energy systems as good/better/best. Receive an incentive per square foot based on the measures you choose. Visit the Multifamily Product and Equipment Performance page for more details.

Incentives for property owners

Product and Equipment Incentives

For projects past design and into construction, Focus on Energy provides Product/Equipment incentives available for projects still benefiting from energy-efficient new construction choices. See which equipment incentives are available in the equipment incentive catalogs.

New Homes

New Homes incentives are available for new homes including single-family residential or multifamily buildings with three units or less. Focus on Energy connects prospective home buyers with builders and energy experts to construct new homes that are between 25% and 100% more efficient than homes built to Wisconsin’s Uniform Dwelling Code.

Make sure your home builder is a registered Focus on Energy Trade Ally Contractor

New Homes Builders and Building Performance Consultants Sign-In

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: State
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Wisconsin
Incentive Type: Rebate Program
Web Site:
Administrator: Focus on Energy
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Water Heaters
  • Lighting
  • Lighting Controls/Sensors
  • Building Insulation
  • Other EE
  • Yes; specific technologies not identified
  • HVAC
Incentive Amount: Incentives not listed, Contact Focus on Energy for more details.
Equipment Requirements: Must meet Focus on Energy's standards for energy efficiency


Name: Focus on Energy
Organization: Focus on Energy
Phone: (800) 762-7077

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.