Madison Gas & Electric - Electric Vehicle Charger Leasing Program in Wisconsin - EnergyBot

Madison Gas & Electric - Electric Vehicle Charger Leasing Program

September 21, 2023


Charge@Home Program

Madison Gas and Electric's new home charging program makes it quick and easy to charge your car's battery with a Level 2 (L2) charger. L2 chargers can charge up to six times faster than a standard 120-volt electrical outlet and offer more flexibility to charge when you want. This program provides a ChargePoint Home L2 charger without having to pay up-front costs. You'll pay a monthly fee of about $20 (64 cents per day) plus the cost of electricity. Sign up for our Shift & Save electric rate and reduce your electricity costs by charging at times when rates are lowest.

Level II Electric Vehicle Charge Stations

Level 2 charging uses 240 volt power to enable faster regeneration of an EV’s battery system. Providing this type of charging requires installation of an EVSE unit and electrical wiring capable of handling higher voltage power. Plug-in America’s PlugStar tools offer a listing of Level 2 EVSE currently on the market. Many utilities are offering free level 2 charging equipment and/or incentives with an electric car purchase. These stations provide fast charge times of 10 - 20 miles of range per hour of charge and about 3% more energy efficiency than level 1 stations. These systems are more expensive than level 1 stations and may have a potentially higher impact on peak kilowatt demand charges for businesses. 

Program Overview

Implementing Sector: Utility
Category: Financial Incentive
State: Wisconsin
Incentive Type: Leasing Program
Web Site:
Administrator: Madison Gas and Electric
Start Date:
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
  • Level-2 Electric Vehicle Service Equipment


Name: Jeff Ford
Organization: Madison Gas and Electric
Madison WI 53701-1231
Phone: (608) 252-7387

This information is sourced from DSIRE; the most comprehensive source of information on incentives and policies that support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States. Established in 1995, DSIRE is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at N.C. State University.