
Average Rate Over Time

Display a line graph that shows business or residential electricity price trends over time, with optional filters by state and utility.

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Account Number Lookup

Allow users to find the account number for the address they provide.

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Utility Code Lookup

Allow users to find out who their utility is for the zip code they provide.

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Rates by State

Show the average and percent change of electricity rates for businesses and residents across the United States.

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Plans by Location

List business or residential electricity plans for the state and utility you specify.

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Plans by Supplier

List business or residential electricity plans for the provider you specify.

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Rate Trend Summary

Show the average rate, lowest rate, and rate trend for the 4 most common term lengths (6, 12, 24, and 36 months) in the state and utility you specify.

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Rates by State

Show the current, previous, and % change of the average electricity rates for every state in the U.S. over the last month.

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Rates by Metroplex

Show the current, previous, and % change of the average electricity rates for every metroplex in the state you specify over the last month.

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